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Six of the best therapeutic candles to boost performance at work, in bed and at play

The Danish are mad for their warm glow and that ‘hygge’ feeling. Besides the hypnotising flame, the best thing is a candle’s fragrance. Today there are tens of thousands of unique candle scents, everything smelling from doughnuts to unicorns. As you can probably guess, you can’t extract a fragrance from actual sweet bun or mystical creature. Hence most candles have synthetic fragrances made in laboratories.

Modern chemists have invented four times more synthetic scents than is in nature, and because the industry is self-regulated, history has proven that some are toxic and cause sickness (even cancer). That’s why there is growing demand to return to 100% natural fragrances just as in the days of Egyptian priests and Renaissance alchemists. The reasons are so vast (and shocking) about why you should care what you breathe to be as healthy as what you eat, that I had to write a complimenting article (coming soon).

In my effort to feel great today and extend my vitality into my future, I searched the Australian market for 100% naturally scented candles, and I was shocked to find so few. The reasons are oversimplified when I say natural candles cost more to make, have shorter shelf lives, and supply can be inconsistent (think natural disasters on farms). I don’t want my fragrances to last for eternity, that would be cause for alarm, just as synthetic musks don’t break down and have accumulated in people’s bodies to disease-causing levels. Don't despair perfume sophisticates!

I've road tested six of the best 100% naturally-scented candles to suit your needs at work, in bed and at play.

Natural scents are mainly made of concentrated plant extracts. The complementary medicine is called aromatherapy. These extracts of plants' defence systems (frankincense resin) or sex systems (rose petals) as examples, when inhaled are smaller than most pharmaceuticals to pass the blood-brain barrier and support our body systems such as hormone production, blood flow, and tissue drainage to name a few.

Synthetic scents trigger the same reward pathways in your nose then brain, but after the initial feel-good factor, later deprive your body of what was promised: aromatic molecules to use as building blocks. Just like artificial sweeteners short-change the body's energy system and evidence shows this deprivation is bad not good, such as weight gain, so too synthetic scents burden more than benefit (article coming soon). It's the old bait-and-switch. Why not use natural plant extracts that smell good and reap the health benefits too?



Soul Shine pure aromatherapy candle $49.95

  • Size: no details. I estimate 100-200g

  • Burn time: 35 – 40 hours

  • Container: brown amber glass jar with grey metal screw top lid. Removable sticker label to re-use or recycle.

  • Perfect Potion was founded in 1991 specialising in aromatherapy and mainly makes therapeutic essential oil blends, toiletries and teas.

Soul Shine candle smells like zesty lemon sherbet. Six essential oils are listed for the 100% natural fragrance;

  • leaves (lemongrass, three Australian trees and rosemary), and

  • fruit peel (mandarin).

The scent of the natural essential oil blend is led by lemon myrtle (much lemonier than lemon citrus peel) and lemongrass (think fresh Asian cuisine). When I smell this candle I can also recognise the Australian bush, simply the best zesty version, because it is blended with more Australian native gum trees; blue mallee and lemon ironbark.

Soul Shine is a fitting name. This natural candle’s aroma is shiny, bright, and buoyant. Its sweetness is enhanced by the sweetest citrus oil of all: mandarin peel, which also makes this candle’s fragrance very approachable.

Soul Shine candle would be perfect for daily use when you want to get moving, feel upbeat and find more motivation and optimism. Burn anytime up until dinner due to its energising qualities. For me, its botanicals and aroma are too invigorating for evening. On the contrary, if drinking limoncello liqueur after an evening meal works in Italy to aid digestion and pause ‘food coma’ after generous pizza portions, then burning this candle at night may also be a pleasurable substitute after a feast.




Harvest 100% natural candle $35 - $349

  • Sizes: 150g, 300g or 2kg!

  • Burn times: 30, 60 and 400 hours!

  • Container: black matte-glazed pot with gold painted text (larger sizes have a golden lid).

  • Vanessa Megan was founded in 2001 and makes natural perfumes and organic skincare called ‘naturaceuticals’ (natural nutraceuticals) by partnering with Sydney Dermal Institute.

Harvest candle has a sweet and rich gourmand scent. The aroma is too sweet to be oriental in my view, but its exotic nature leans that way too. The spicy woods (sandal and balsam) and sweet, leafy patchouli make this a sophisticated and grown-up natural candle. Perfect at turning a bedroom into a boudoir, or for warming up a setting on a cold night. This candle would also set the mood for a self-care bath.

“A breath of solstice, of ripe fruit and warm wind.”- Vanessa Megan

Seven natural fragrance ingredients are listed;

  • woods (Pacific sandalwood and Peru balsam),

  • leaves (patchouli),

  • fruit and seeds (sweet orange), and

  • flowers (Bulgarian lavender).

Burning this candle may have you opening yourself to a more sensual experience whether that is for a sensuous dessert course or for sensuous body touch. Wear Harvest’s aroma too. Vanessa Megan also makes a natural perfume called Harvest that has added comforting vanilla to its already rich gourmand scent.

“The oils in Harvest have properties known to balance the nervous system, create intimate joy and build inner confidence and peace, naturally.” – Vanessa Megan brand

For me, Vanessa Megan Harvest candle’s fragrance would promote grounding contentment like when gathering around a fireplace after a delicious three-course meal with loved ones.

The concentration of perfume to wax carrier in this candle is generous, both unburnt and alight. Some of the candles I tested that didn’t make this top list were too weakly scented. Not the case for Vanessa Megan’s natural candles, a premium perfume experience.




Study of Trees essential oil candle $38 - $95

  • Sizes: 75g, 220g, 600g (triple wick)

  • Burn times: 20-30 hours, 50-60 hrs, 70-90 hrs

  • Container: light amber shock-resistant borosilicate glass with white printed text (formerly light blue glass).

  • Studio Milligram was founded in 2007 and mainly makes premium stationery and homewares and curates other brands.

This unisex scent is earthy with sweet overtones. Earthy essential oils are grounding, perfect after a busy day dashing around once you are ready to relax on your balcony or courtyard. It is reminiscent of a forest floor as you crush the undergrowth with your hiking boots. An intriguing scent that I could sit with for a long time. I love that the aroma is unisex and not too sweet.

“Study of Trees scent embodies the densely layered aromas of Australia's breathtaking rainforests.” - Studio Milligram

Eight essential oils listed for the fragrance are;

  • roots (vetiver),

  • sap resin (frankincense),

  • woods (amyris, cedarwood and white cypress),

  • leaves (patchouli and nerolina), and

  • blossoms (ylang ylang).

By including essences from every part of a plant, from root to flower, this is a well-balanced and complex aromatic blend. Nevertheless, the fixing base notes of amyris wood, vetiver and frankincense team up and dominate over the sweet herbal patchouli nor much ylang ylang is noted which is often richly sweet in essential oil blends and needs restraint.

Study of Trees candle has a very grounding aroma and the therapeutic frankincense resin balances and soothes with qualities to allow you to chill or ‘zone out’ or even enhance meditation. Vetiver, cedarwood, patchouli and amyris wood also bring similar therapeutic qualities of anti-stress, and reviving fatigue without over-stimulation.

Studio Milligram Study of Trees candle would be perfect for weekends, evenings or down time. You’ll find yourself taking deeper breaths around this candle’s pleasing 100% natural scent. Strangely, Studio Milligram continue to sell their synthetic scented candles of the same name because some customers are used to strong ‘frankenscents’. I recommend looking for ‘essential oil candle’ on Studio Milligram’s packaging to try this excellent natural candle.



After road testing a variety of Australian 100% naturally scented candles these six amazing-smelling candles top my list, and are by far superior experiences to synthetic-scented candles. These six candles also use vegan, soy waxes and cotton wicks. The choice of natural candles is limited in Australia and I hope the category grows with consumer awareness.

100% natural candles using therapeutic botanical essential oils offer the holistic healing of aromatherapy. Essential oil fragrances nourish the brain and body systems (like the nervous system) with aromatic molecules that can be used as building blocks. Yes, science is uncovering that what you smell has parallels to what you eat. Treat your nose to aromatherapeutic scents and you are also boosting your wellbeing. Plus, natural candles cost the same (or even less) than ‘lab-grown’ synthetic scented candles. e.g. A synthetic floral candle did not grow blossoms under sunshine. It’s the old bait-and-switch. Remember too if the label says ‘infused with essential oils’ it’s also mainly synthetics (called greenwashing). If you agree that what you eat helps you perform at your best, then it’s time to expect the same in what you breathe (and smell).


If you have more time, here are three exquisite runners-up for the best natural candles and they deserve an honourable mention.


Vanessa Megan’s Aether candle that is woody and herbaceous, as well as less sweet and fresher than Harvest with green-inspired aromas. With four citruses blended in, Aether scent has a lightness whereas Harvest is heady. I can also sense the sweet spearmint and mint aromatics gently stimulate. Juniper berries and cardamom add a spicy, more peppery impression that invigorates the senses. Aether is like a sweet cologne not that there is such a thing. This unisex aroma is more cool and less warm than Harvest and therefore more uplifting to 'put you into your head' for work mode. Aether candle’s ‘crushed foliage’ and sweet woodiness is an intriguing fragrance and will have you taking deep breaths.


Perfect Potion’s Calm Spirit candle is an understated yet enchanting floral escape with its sweet, harmonious scent. The 100% natural fragrance is so well-blended that no essential oil dominates. If Soul Shine candle represents the life of the party, Calm Spirit is the wallflower. Unimposing and low-key but essential for the overall right vibe of a scene. This fragrance has traditional essential oils like lavender, sweet orange, and geranium but none are recognisable, and have combined into a candied garden that will make you want to toss down a picnic blanket to daydream and watch the clouds.

Two uncommon Australian native plants feature but again, you can not recognise them upon smelling: rosalina ‘lavender tea tree’ and fragonia. Both have calming and anti-stress aromatics. Calm Spirit candle has understated charm, perfect to burn to wind down without the candle taking over a space. Not so striking as the “I’m here with a smile!” lemony Soul Shine candle. Calm Spirit is a beautiful-smelling therapeutic candle to gently remedy a busy lifestyle.


Studio Milligram’s Native Botanical candle is a perfect outdoor candle to repel insects with its quartet of Aussie native gum trees: lemon gum tree, lemon tea tree, peppermint gum tree, and blue mallee gum tree. The addition of traditional essential oils of lavender and geranium (also deter biting insects) adds sweetness and rounds out the herbaceous scent that is less earthy than the Study of Trees essential oil candle. Both Studio Milligram's natural candles bring superb interpretations of The Great Outdoors to your balcony or courtyard.

Six amazing-smelling 100% natural candles to level up your life with the complementary medicine of aromatherapy.

(Images are from the featured brand's websites and Unsplash. This is an independent review and is not sponsored content.)


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